What To Do If You Can't Afford Health Insurance

The ideal solution to be able to afford health insurance in America is to get a job that provides insurance for you. This has been the preferred way to distribute health care since the end of the second world war. The government supports this program by offering a tax break for the company that provides the coverage. And the employer keeps employees happy and healthy by offering a good package of benefits just for working for the company. As long as you are employed you probably don't have to pay anything for health insurance. But if you do not have those benefits, you must pay for it yourself. Many people find plans that they can not afford. There are alternatives available for everyone.

Typically people who lose benefits with an employer are offered COBRA benefits. This is a good solution that allows you to keep the coverage you had for up to 18 months. The problem is that you will be required to pay the entire amount of coverage instead of your employer. This is usually too expensive for people trying to save money. If you have health problems with big monthly expenses, it could be your best option. However many people get short term health insurance plans to cover them for major medical issues at a fraction of the cost each month. Usually people get coverage with another employer after a few months. These plans bridge that gap in coverage so that you will not have to worry about a huge unexpected medical bill.

Essentially the costs for your health insurance plan will be based on two major things. First is your medical history. Second is the benefits that you choose. Your medical history includes any hospitalizations or surgeries that you have had. Insurance companies also check your prescription drug history too. Your age and sex is also considered in the medical history where the older you are the more expensive the insurance costs. The more recent the medical incident, the more expensive your coverage will become. If you have been healthy for the past 10 years typically your history is wiped clean and your costs will go down.

The benefits you choose will make a major difference in the monthly premium. If you get a plan with co payments for doctor visits and prescriptions, it will be more expensive than a plan where everything is covered subject to a deductible and co insurance. If you are in good health and eat right and exercise, you may not need to go to a doctor or get prescriptions at all in a year. The savings you could get each month could more than make up for the one or two doctor visits you might need in a year. Every plan has an annual physical that is available free. If you want to be able to afford health insurance, consider raising the deductible or going without co payments for doctor visits and prescriptions.